Typography plays an important role in establishing and reinforcing our brand. Our typographic identity reflects NC State’s place as a bold, forward-thinking institution.
Our Primary Typeface
NC State’s primary typeface is Univers. Univers is a broad family, and University Communications has obtained site licenses for many of the faces within the font family.

The broad Univers family is highly legible.
Univers 45 Light
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Univers 45 Light Oblique
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Univers 47 Light Condensed
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Univers 47 Light Condensed Oblique
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Univers 55 Roman
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Univers 55 Oblique
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Our Secondary Typeface
NC State’s secondary typeface is Glypha. University Communications has obtained site licenses for several of the faces within the font family. Glypha should be used sparingly and purposefully. It gives emphasis and personality to text, setting pull quotes, captions and Web modules apart from body copy. When it appears too frequently, it loses impact.

Glypha 45 Light
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Glypha 45 Light Oblique
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Glypha 55 Oblique
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Glypha 55 Roman
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Our Open Source Typeface
Roboto is a free font family available from Google Fonts. It offers close matches to our other on-brand typefaces — Roboto Light for Univers Light, Roboto Regular for Univers Roman, Roboto Condensed for Univers Condensed, and Roboto Slab for Glypha. Because of its digital-first nature, it is currently being used on several of NC State’s top-tier web properties.

Roboto Light
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Roboto Light Italic
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Roboto Regular
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Roboto Italic
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Roboto Bold
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
Roboto Bold Italic
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NC State traffic researchers came to the Hunt Library with a problem: How do you help blind pedestrians navigate a hectic roundabout? In a matter of days, they used a 3-D printer to build a solution — a tactile map that can teach the visually impaired to cross safely.
NOTE: If your existing site was configured to load Univers and Glpyha web fonts using includes from cdn.ncsu.edu, they will be swapped to use the new Roboto-based web fonts on June 12, 2024. You can preemptively switch by swapping out the following URLs within your site's source code.
https://cdn.ncsu.edu/brand-assets/fonts/include.css --> https://cdn.ncsu.edu/brand-assets/fonts/include-roboto.css https://cdn.ncsu.edu/brand-assets/fonts-2-0/include.css --> https://cdn.ncsu.edu/brand-assets/fonts-2-0/include-roboto.css https://cdn.ncsu.edu/brand-assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css --> https://cdn.ncsu.edu/brand-assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-roboto.css

Do make sure the type is scaled proportionally to eliminate any distortions when sizing up and down.

Don’t stretch or squeeze the type unproportionally.

Don’t use any extended or ultracondensed versions of Univers, or the thin or black versions of Glypha.