The NC State brand is based on clear, straightforward messaging. Use these downloadable assets as you craft your communications, and be sure to check back often as this toolkit will continue to evolve with new assets and examples.
Read through the entire brand site to make sure you understand rules, guidelines and how everything works together before using these assets to create university-related promotions. These assets are only to be used for official university communications. Do not use them to promote private businesses or for individual purposes.
If you have any questions or problems as you use these assets, contact University Communications at
Digital and Vector Logos
NC State logotype files are font-independent. The prescribed Univers fonts do not need to be loaded on your system, and no license is needed. The PNG files of the NC State brick for Web uses are available in several sizes, from the smallest allowable to the largest. The EPS files have been created as line-art vector files and are the only logos that should ever be used for print because vector files will print cleanly at any size. The JPG logos should only be used for PowerPoint or Microsoft Office documents.
Authorized Use of the Logo
As a public institution, NC State University is generally not allowed to endorse another party’s products, goods or services. This is especially the case with NC State's logo, which is a registered trademark of the university. Do not use the logo in any communication that identifies, promotes or advertises an outside entity's products, goods or services unless you have received prior permission from the university via a contract or a trademark license agreement. For more information, contact NC State's Trademark Licensing office.

- Close white text on red brick 4x1
- Black Letters Only 2x1, Minimum (PNG)
- Black Letters Only 2x1 (PNG)
- Black Letters Only 2x1, Maximum (PNG)
- Black Letters Only 2x1-RGB (EPS)
- Black Letters Only 2x1-CMYK (EPS)
- Black Letters Only 2x1 (JPG)
- White Letters Only 2x1-RGB (EPS)
- White Letters Only 2x1-CMYK (EPS)
Color Palette

last updated 10/28/19

last updated 12/16/19
Software-Specific Color Palettes
For easy access to the correct colors, import the following palettes into your Adobe Creative Suite programs. To use the files, open the Swatches palette in your program and click on the top right menu. Select “Open Swatch Library” and then select “Other Library.” Navigate to where the downloaded swatch file is located on your computer.
Adobe Swatch Librarieslast updated 10/28/19

Use our set of on-brand icons to add visual interest and illustrate important facts and figures within your web and print content.
Icons can be changed to any color in NC State's color palette. Either place a white icon on a field of color, or convert an icon's color for use on a white background. Only use one color per icon. Icons should not be altered or combined.
The EPS, PNG and SVG files are available below. For print projects, use the EPS files to ensure that icons print clearly at any size. PNG files should only be used in PowerPoint and Microsoft Office. SVG files are for web purposes.
Icon Set (EPS)
last updated 9/23/21
Icon Set (PNG)
last updated 9/23/21
Icon Set (SVG)
last updated 9/23/21
Bootstrap Framework
To make it easier to stay on brand, use the NC State flavor of Bootstrap for Web styles, including fonts, colors and more.
<!-- NC State Bootstrap CSS --> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <!-- Optional Javascript --> <!-- jQuery first, then Popper.js, then Bootstrap JS --> <script src="" integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha384-cs/chFZiN24E4KMATLdqdvsezGxaGsi4hLGOzlXwp5UZB1LY//20VyM2taTB4QvJ" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script> <script src=""> </script>GitHub (requires NC State login) Documentation Visual Reference
Web Fonts
Because we’re creating a consistent visual identity across as many mediums as possible, all NC State websites must use an approved font family. While Univers is the university's official font family for print mediums, Roboto is approved and recommended for all digital usecases.
NOTE: If your existing site was configured to load Univers and Glpyha web fonts using includes from, they will be swapped to use the new Roboto-based web fonts on June 12, 2024. You can preemptively switch by swapping out the following URLs within your site's source code. --> --> -->
Roboto Slab
Roboto Condensed
Three different font-weight
s are available in each family.
- Light:
- Roman:
- Bold:
Web fonts are available on with information on how to load them on your site, or you can use the pre-configured options below:
<link rel="preconnect" href=""> <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin> <link href=",wght@0,300;0,400;0,700;1,300;1,400;1,700&family=Roboto+Slab:wght@300;400;700&family=Roboto:ital,wght@0,300;0,400;0,700;1,300;1,400;1,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<style> @import url(',wght@0,300;0,400;0,700;1,300;1,400;1,700&family=Roboto+Slab:wght@300;400;700&family=Roboto:ital,wght@0,300;0,400;0,700;1,300;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); </style>
Brand Utility Bar
The NC State brand Utility Bar offers a simple way to connect our thousands of websites and let Web users know where they are at all times. This element must appear at the top of all official NC State sites. No content or padding of any kind may appear above this bar. The Utility Bar may not be edited or altered in any way beyond the options presented when embedding. The NC State logo should always be prominently displayed in the upper portion of your site. The Utility Bar should only be used if the NC State logo is prominently displayed in the upper portion of your site or if the brick option detailed below is used.

For certain entities operating under unique circumstances, the Utility Bar might not be required. Exceptions will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Web Communications will provide support for the Utility Bar but will rely on each unit’s internal Web or IT staff to implement the bar. If you have questions about implementation or exceptions, email Web Communications at
The search box within the Utility Bar can search both your own site and the entire domain. Search results from the campus directory will also be added at a later date. To search your own site you must create a search engine through Google Custom Search. To hide ads on your custom search engine, follow the steps outlined in this OIT article. You will then need to insert your engine's key in the data-prop-cse-id
parameter. If this variable isn't set, the Utility Bar will only perform a global search.
The following code snippet will need to be added to your site to load the Utility Bar. This code should be placed immeidately after the opening <body>
element of the page.
<div id="ncstate-utility-bar" data-prop-show-brick="1" data-prop-cse-id="00578865650663686:7xmauxacbr4" ></div> <script src=""></script>
Parameter | Description | Options |
data-prop-show-brick |
Toggles Brick off/on within the Utility Bar | Show Brick=1 ; Hide Brick=0 |
data-prop-cse-id |
Google Custom Search Engine ID to allow site-speciifc search to be triggered from bar's search box | ID string from Google Custom Search Engine |
Sites that were developed using the previous Utility Bar may continue to use it until a major redesign of the site is done. These sites are grandfathered in for the immediate future, and you can contact to receive support and include code for the old Utility Bar.
NC State Web Platform
The NC State Web Platform provides robust functionality for building all types of websites.
Two tiers are available. The Free Tier is geared towards smaller groups with more basic communications needs. The Premium Tier includes additional functionality that facilitates higher-level marketing communication.
The NC State Web Platform comes with a wealth of additional resources such as a thorough documentation guide and monthly workshops that are available to all users. For more information, consult our breakdown of features within the Free and Premium Tiers or our page layout schematic.
You can begin using the Free Tier of the NC State Web Platform today by requesting a site through OIT's Web Publishing service. If you are interested in using the Premium Tier, please contact University Communications and Marketing for more information and next steps.
University Communications and Marketing would like to partner with you to create an on-brand website that will help you achieve your goals. We provide a full suite of web services to bring you and your team through every step of the process — from ideation and strategy to design, content and custom coding. To start a conversation about your new website, contact us.
Email Templates
Use the Email Generator to easily create HTML emails. University Communications maintains free and premium tiers of the Email Generator service. The free tier offers two email layouts, and the premium tier offers four additional templates. Log in to the Email Generator to begin using the free tier. To learn more about premium tier features and pricing, contact Luis Chacon (
The only appropriate font family for email templates is Arial. Be mindful of how frequently you send emails to your audiences. Excessive contact will cause fatigue, leading recipients to ignore your messages.
Here are some best practices (.pdf) for launching an email campaign.
Email Generator Login Email Generator DocumentationPowerPoint Templates
Use these templates for your presentations. Keep in mind that the only font you should use for your content is Arial.
Digital Billboard Templates
You can use these templates to create an event or program announcement slide for Billboard, the central system for displaying digital signs across campus.
To customize a template, choose a background color from NC State’s core color palette. The expanded palette colors are also available in swatches within the template, but do not use these against Wolfpack Red. Adjust the elements to best fit your content, write short copy that can be read quickly at a distance and then save the finished slide as a JPG or PNG of 1920x1080 pixels.
The brand guidelines for typography, voice and tone, and imagery apply to all billboards. If you do not have a license for the Univers font family, the only substitute is Arial.

last updated 3/19/19
last updated 3/19/19
These images of campus can be downloaded at a variety of resolutions as desktop or laptop wallpaper.

last updated 3/19/19
last updated 3/19/19
last updated 3/19/19
last updated 3/19/19
last updated 3/19/19
last updated 3/19/19
Email Signature
You can include a logo image as part of your university email signature. When used this way, the logo should appear at the bottom of the email signature, below all the other elements of the signature. Don’t resize the logo image, and keep it on a line by itself, without any other text or graphics on the same line. Remember that some email clients don’t display images; therefore, your contact information should always be in the form of text, not images.
To use a logo as part of your email signature:
- Download the logo image to your desktop computer.
- Go to your email settings, scroll down to the “Signature” section and enter your signature text in the text field. If you already have an email signature, verify that the information is correct.
- To properly format your signature text, use your mouse to select it all, and then use the formatting buttons directly above the text field to select the Sans Serif font at normal size.
- To insert the logo image, position your blinking cursor two lines below the last line of text in your signature. Then click the Insert Image icon (next to the Link icon) and upload the image file from your computer.
- Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
You can also include approved social media icons that link to the university's social media channels. When used this way, the icons should appear at the bottom of the email signature, below all the other elements, including the NC State brick. Don't resize the icons, and keep them on a single line together, without any other text or graphics on that line.
To include the icons as part of your email signature, follow a similar process as the one outlined above, inserting each icon in turn as explained in step 4. Next, click on an icon to select it, and then click the Link button. In the "Edit Link" box that appears, paste the URL for the channel the icon represents into the "Web address" field and click "OK." Do this with each icon in turn, until each icon links to its respective channel. Don't include the icons in your signature without linking them in this way. Once you have added the icons to your signature and clicked "Save Changes," send a test email to ensure the links are working correctly.
For your reference, the approved social media channel URLs can be found below.
- Facebook:
- YouTube:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- LinkedIn:
- Snapchat:

last updated 3/27/15
last updated 1/16/24
Video Assets
You can use these assets — which include opening logos, closing logos, preview B-roll and key titles — to create compelling NC State videos. To request access to B-roll without watermarks, email Before completing any video project that uses NC State footage or marks, you must request a compliance evaluation from The turnaround for evaluation is five working days.

last updated 3/30/15

last updated 3/30/15
These Microsoft Word letterhead templates are only for digital communications. After you create your body copy, export them as PDFs. The only font you should use both to populate your information and for the content of your letter is Arial. You can purchase other stationery items, such as business cards, letterhead and envelopes, through Marketplace. Business cards are also available at Wolf Xpress in the Talley Student Union.

last updated 3/30/15
2-Column Word Letterhead (.dotx)last updated 3/30/15
Word Template for Preprinted Letterhead (.dotx)last updated 3/30/15
Research Poster
You can create research posters in two sizes using these PowerPoint templates. To create a custom size, first remove the header by selecting and cutting it, and then resize the slide. Once resized, paste the header back into the slide.
You may also create your own header using the NC State brick logo and the Arial typeface.

last updated 3/19/19
36"x48" Presentation Poster (.potx)last updated 3/19/19
36"x24" Presentation Poster (.potx)last updated 3/19/19
48"x36" Presentation Poster (.potx)last updated 3/19/19
NC State Logo for Custom PowerPoint (.emf)last updated 3/30/15
Access the photo database to create official marketing materials. These photos are copyright-protected and should not be used for personal purposes. Find out more information about on-brand imagery.

last updated 8/10/16
Required Elements for Printed Materials
All printed materials must have the university’s official equal opportunity statement and a cost statement. These are state requirements for publicly funded projects. They may appear in the most convenient spot on your piece and can be as small as 6 pt type.
State-Required Statements (.doc)last updated 6/20/14
Assorted Design Templates
Use the InDesign ad templates below to create printed ads for external use.

last updated 3/30/15
Half-Page Ad Template (.zip)last updated 3/30/15
Quarter-Page Ad Template (.zip)last updated 3/30/15
These PDF templates can be updated using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (available for free to all NC State employees.) Open the PDF in one of these systems and select "Edit PDF" to update editable fields. If you prefer to edit an InDesign version of these templates, please contact for access. These certificates use the university’s commercial seal.
Any certificates requiring the Chancellor’s or Provost’s signature MUST use this official template. Certificates will not be signed by the Chancellor and/or Provost if officially branded certificates are not provided.
The official Chancellor’s seal is only allowed to be used on awards issued by the Chancellor. If you’d like to use the official Chancellor’s seal on an award, please contact the Chancellor’s Office for permission and access to the files, contact

last updated 3/19/19
1 Signature template with border (.pdf)last updated 3/19/19
1 Signature template with red border (.pdf)last updated 3/19/19
2 Signature template (.pdf)last updated 3/19/19
3 Signature template (.pdf)last updated 3/19/19